Dinghy Racing

CSBC’s location is superb with a sheltered bay allowing safe sailing and racing for the numerous dinghies and “big boats” within the club. As well as regular weekend racing for dinghies, we regularly host a number of other sailing events including Annual Regatta, Topper, Laser, Multi-hull, GP14’s and Flying 15’s.
CSBC’s dinghy season starts in March and continues until Christmas.


Cruiser Racing

The cruiser section of the club have races around the buoys in the bay and coastal races, with yachts ranging in size from quarter tonners to 40ft yachts – and everything in between!  Racing takes place on Tuesday/Thursday and weekends during the season, with boats regularly competing at regatta’s around the coast and in Scotland.

All racing is carried out under the Clyde handicap system.  Those who are short crewed or lacking experience can race “white sail”, where no spinnakers are used – which makes spillage of G&Ts a lot less likely!

The club is twinned with Campbeltown Sailing Club, in Kintyre, and each year there are ‘home’ and ‘away’ weekends combining racing and social events.



Each year boats from the club boats from the club travel North, East and South, sometimes alone and sometimes in company with others. Red Bay is an ideal starting point for adventures iin the Clyde and the Western Isles.


Junior / Youth Sailing

Youth sailing in CSBC has been a very strong part of the club for many years. Junior and Youth sailing activities comprise of:

  • Friday night sailing and coaching sailing
  • Sunday dinghy racing
  • Summer RYA training courses


Social Sailing

All the sections of the club take part in social events.

Friendly Fridays’ are popular with a BBQ and quite often entertainment in the bar. Social events also include a beach sports day and ‘cruise in company’.



Newcomers always welcome to come out to give sailing a try.

Contact:  sailingsec@csbc.co.uk

Visit our Sailing School